update impossible. You just suck!
Horrible idea to use the phone movement to influence the horizontal scroll in images view, considering it will change the view angle between the user eyes and the phone screen.
Seriously needs updating considering the Singapore Store moved 2 years ago.
Stupid app design for a supposedly famous design award body fix the sensor-based image, it does not add to the user experience and force you to take a reductionist view limiting you to see 1/3 of the image only, and force you to tilt your phone around to for side scrolling like a silly game. What if I want to take in the overall aesthetics? what if you turn off the feature? Then you cannot side-scroll to view rest of the image; Therefore it's sides cut off...
Great app for inspiration
Horrible usability. Epic and ironic failure in design.
Totally sucks. Images are cropped.
Never launched, circle just kept whirring...
poor UI
HARD TO VIEW THE PRODUCT BECAUSE OF THE STUPID GYRO THING. Please show full picture at no sensor mode. the cropped picture is killing me